General Terms and Conditions (GTC)
After having noticed that some Berlin snow plowing services adopt our GTC as their own by publishing them (with slight modifications) on their websites, we proceeded to only publish our GTC in extracts.
- For the relevant time period, between 1 November and 31 March, the contractor takes over the legal obligation and responsibility to free the pavements around the property from snow and icy conditions and to apply deadening material, in compliance with the valid Berlin Street Cleaning Law and according to the statutory and stipulated measurements (evacuation of snow and removal of gritting material are not included).
- ...
Excerpt from the Berlin Street Cleaning Law (StrReinG) from 19.12.1978
§ 3 subparagraph 1
As soon as the snowfall stops or icy conditions occur, pavements have to be freed from snow and to be gritted, respectively, in a width of at least one metre. When the snowfall lasts longer than until 8 p.m., or when icy conditions occur after this time, snow and icy conditions have to be removed until 7 the next morning, and on Sundays and public holidays until 9 a.m.
§ 6 subparagraph 1 S.1
In place of the resident who is legally responsible for the clearance, another person or company can undertake this duty...