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Deep Powder Snow

There is no clear definition for deep powder snow. Generally it is a very light powder snow into which one sinks quite low. It is not possible to walk normally in deep powder snow. Even standard ski equipment is unsuitable. Wider and softer skis are needed that have a higher point if one wants to ski in deep powder snow and avoid sinking too low. Skiing, ski hiking and snow boarding have become very popular winter sports.

Deep snow can usually be found in areas that are remote, which is why it fascinates skiers and ski hikers alike. If you are the first to come in touch with the area it will make you feel like you have discovered it. One also expects stable sunny weather, as a sort of an extra pleasure. If the terrain is flat, deep snow is relatively safe, yet it would be impossible to ski on. When the terrain is steep one must pay special attention to the danger of avalanches. Skiers are at risk when they spend time on a ski slope that is not within the marked area. In addition to which there is the danger that can be expected from the weather changing suddenly, which is frequently underestimated by people who do not know much about the weather.

You will come across deep snow when it has snowed heavily and the temperatures are significantly below 0° C. If the snow starts to melt due to longer periods of sunshine, there can be hard layers on the deep snow - like a layer of ice on water.

Then the snow is not as suitable for winter sports. Deep snow that has not been touched can generally only be found during the early morning hours in accessible areas that are less dangerous, when there aren’t many people in these areas and the snow has not hardened yet after being skied on a lot. When there are a lot of skiers later on in the day, the features of deep snow which are most in demand, will have disappeared quickly again.

Skiing in deep snow requires special techniques which, like skiing or snowboarding, can be acquired in skiing schools. All you need is a new layer of snow about 10 to 12 cm deep. What is characteristic is a “softer“ ski style. It is impossible to ski on the steel edge of the ski or the snowboard, however, but the advantage of the deep snow is that it reduces the impact of a fall.

It is not possible to ski and do ski hikes through deep snow everywhere, but there are places listed by travel bureaus or other places that can be found on the internet. The information for winter sport locations sometimes includes terrains where this can be done and other information. You are not likely to find pristine areas in the Alps, but there are recently tapped places in North America.